Who am I?

Hello, I'm Yugam Goyal, a Computer Science student at UT, where I'm also minoring in Business and pursuing a certificate in Applied Statistical Modeling. My academic interests lie in the fields of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, and Fintech. I'm passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems and make people's lives easier. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new technologies, tinkering with hardware, and developing software projects. I'm excited to see where my passion for technology takes me in the future!


Software Engineer Intern - EyeLock (Current)
As a software engineering intern at EyeLock, I worked on developing cutting-edge technology to improve the accuracy and performance of EyeLock's biometric security software. I was responsible for developing a Glare Detector application using C++ and OpenCV, which allowed the software to better identify the center of the eye image. I also utilized TensorFlow to create a neural network that accurately identified the center of the eye image, and leveraged Intel's OpenVINO toolkit to optimize EyeLock's biometric security software for maximum performance. Finally, I modernized EyeLock's software code base using CMake, resulting in a more efficient and maintainable codebase.

CTO - Populas (May 2022 - Jan 2023)
As a mobile application designer for iOS, I led the development and redesign of a popular iOS application, utilizing MongoDB, Expo Go, JavaScript, and React Native to create a seamless user experience. I also implemented a Shorts/Buying/Selling trading algorithm, which gave users a stock market-like experience within the app. Throughout the development process, I managed a cross-functional team of 15 developers, utilizing Git and Kanban Board to facilitate Agile development of the application, ensuring optimal efficiency, quality, and scalability throughout the software development lifecycle. The app was successfully launched on the App Store, resulting in 500+ downloads and a 4.5-star rating.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - UT Austin (June 2022 - Jan 2023)
As a Teaching Assistant, I managed and supported 50+ students throughout Data Structures and Algorithms and Intro to Computer Science courses. I provided personalized feedback to students by leading weekly office hours, grading assignments and exams. In addition, I voluntarily led review sessions for key concepts such as maps, linked lists, trees, Huffman algorithm, in both Java and Python. These sessions were instrumental in helping students better understand the material and succeed in their coursework.


Discord Wordle Bot

A Discord Bot with endless Wordle

Technologies – Java, Heroku, Discord API, Git

Project S

A Syllabus to Google Calendar Automation

Technologies – Java, Google API, Google Cloud Platform

Optical Character Recognition Bill Splitter

Snap and Split your bills with Ease

Technologies – TensorFlow, Optical Character Recognition API, Tesseract, OpenCV, React


Platform allowing students to connect during Covid

Technologies – Google Sheets API, Google Forms API, Java Script, Awesome Tables API

Employee Management System

Simple system to manage your team

Technologies – Spring, React, AWS (EC2, S3, Amplify)


Generates AI Art based on user input

Technologies – OpenAI API, CSS, Express, JavaScript, Git

Technical Skills

Programming languages Java, Python, JavaScript, C, C++, Swift, R
Web development HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React, next.js, Angular, Tailwind
Database management SQL, MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB
Operating systems Windows, Linux, macOS
Cloud computing Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or opportunities.